viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021

My pets

 Months ago I got Dulcinea , My hamster called that because I like the book "Don Quiote de la Mancha" writing by Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra . Years ago I haved two Hamster too " Cervantes " and "Sancho" called this way for the same reason before I mentioned but they died because they not have the the capacity of suriviver at winter;  we suffered a lot because we feeling that they were part to the family .

Well , Dulcinea have the same characteristics than "Cervantes" and " Sancho". It is very figdety ,curious and smart  , It walk for all the house. When we have to clean Its cage, the last clean cage I haved 1 hours at least try to catch It to put on Its cage , It was a very funny moment because I don't knowed how catch It , but at the end   I planned a form how put It on the cage .

They are very important to the family because we laugh a lot with things that Dulcinea did and do, for example, when we cath Dulcinea to put on its cage, or when Dulcinea put the food in the coner of a book furniture or when Dulcinea do not want  leave the cage for play and for the end the most funniest thing that all of food Dulcinea put in the pipe of the cage. 

4 comentarios:

  1. It reminds me of when I was going to kindergarten and we had hamsters in the classroom, we fed them and we played with them.

  2. How cute to have a pet hamster and this very beautiful name, I love it!

  3. Dulcinea is very beautiul, I also had hamster when I was a child!

  4. It is a very little animal and she have beautiful name


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